Watch These Films For Some Valuable Corporate Lessons

4 min readJul 11, 2022


Since its inception in 2018, Classplus has become the largest B2B ed-tech start-up in India empowering more than 1 Lac educators across 3000+ cities. It might come as unconventional, but there’s a lot that we’ve learnt from some of the best movies out there. Yeah, FILMS!

Anyone would have quite the hard time believing this🙈, which is why we’re here with proof. Let’s take a look at some of the greatest movies out there that give some really good and effective corporate lessons. Read on to know more!

The Wolf of Wall Street

Pretty sure this is the 1st film that came into most people’s minds on hearing “corporate” and “film” in a single sentence😏. Rightly so because The Wolf of Wall Street is a treasure trove of business lessons.

  1. Good Friendship with Employees💛: One of the major reasons for Jordan Belfort’s success was how close he kept his people (employees) to him. Similarly, a company needs to make their employees feel belonged as well as train them from the ground up. Support them at every step! At Classplus too, you’re not an ‘employee’ but part of our clan (our ever-growing family)
  2. Focus on your Brand Image✨: It’s paramount to know how your clients/customers perceive you. Thus, brand building! The ‘brand image’ covers everything, from the product/service to the office culture, way of functioning, and how each worker carries oneself.

3. Know your Audience👥: Knowing who you’re selling to is half of the battle won. All your strategies, work plans, and eventual working will be determined by this one factor.

The Founder

What better place to learn some valuable management lessons than the story of one of the most successful brands out there; 🍔McDonalds🍟. The Founder covers its growth in detail and how certain business decisions propelled it to the next level.

  1. Quality is Primary👌: Whether you’re a job seeker or a functioning company, maintaining the quality of what you’re presenting is very important. It’s good quality and consistency in the same that makes you shine.
  2. Be Ambitious🚀: Always “shoot for the moon” (MOONSHOTS being one of the Classplus greatness principles too BTW!) because even if you fail, you’ll fall among the stars! Aim for the best to ensure top-notch quality.

3. Be a Great Storyteller🗣: Having this knack plays a huge role in influencing people’s opinions and likes towards your product/service.

Rocket Singh

Apart from the reality check that degrees don’t guarantee success, Harpreet “Rocket” Singh learnt a lot throughout his journey. Some of the best advice this film offers include the ones below.

  1. Customer Satisfaction is vital😌: What else are we here for? If your product/service is good and gives the customer everything they expect from it, they are bound to come back. Thus, happy and satisfied customers are a must!
  2. Risks Need to be Taken✊: Stagnancy is the biggest enemy of Growth! If you’re not willing to experiment and mix it up, you’ll stop growing after a particular level.

3. Incentivizing Employees Works💰: Called “Positive Reinforcements” in Psychology, incentives make an employee feel rewarded. This reignites their will to work and ensures loyalty.

Did you catch these corporate lessons? If not, it’s not too late to implement these because these sure did work for us!

Written by: Shoubhik Sen

